Say the hard stuff, uncover the hidden stuff, express the needed stuff

There is something you need to say…

You’ve been staring at that blank page for awhile now. (Maybe literally, maybe figuratively). There’s this thing in your heart, there’s this idea in your head, there are these words in your throat, there these emotions in your soul, and none of it is coming out.

Maybe it’s something for a loved one - poetry, wedding vows, a loving email. Maybe it’s for your business – a presentation, a mission statement, an HR solution. Maybe it’s an artistic expression – a song, a piece of writing, a podcast. Maybe it’s something personal that needs to be released. Maybe it’s something else entirely. 

What you definitely know is that there is something in you that you want or need to come out, but it ain’t coming.  


And the reason it isn’t coming is because what is louder than what you want to say, are the reasons you think you can’t say it.

You’re worried you’re going to get it wrong, or that you’ll sound stupid.

Or, oh my gosh, what if you put it out there and it’s rejected or mocked or misunderstood?

Or, it just feels so darn important it needs to be done right.

Or, it’s just too difficult or painful or confusing to try to say.

Or, you know what? You’ll probably feel more inspired and clear headed tomorrow, so you should just wait. Again.

You battle with those voices, meanwhile another day goes by without your words, your idea, your voice being expressed.

That thing you want just stays inside you and has no chance of being experienced by you or the world. Wait too long and you might just lose your window for getting it out at all.

I think that would be a shame. 

I would love to help you express yourself and say those beautiful words to your loved one, or share that powerful idea with your boss, or finish that amazing work of art, or otherwise help let out what is in you.

There are a few ways we can do that…

“Expression Session” ($150)

A deep dive coaching session taking something you know you want to express, and making it special and powerful.

An Expression Session with me is a powerful shot of clarity and confidence, right to the heart, and might be exactly what you need. It’s the medicine that will dissolve those pesky voices that say you can’t or shouldn’t or don’t know how, and illuminate what wants to come through so brightly that it will pour out of you.

By the end of our time together, you’ll have delicious clarity around what you want to say or express, and cool confidence in your ability to express it.

“Nothing to Something in 30 Days” ($500)

Private coaching sessions that will take your idea from fuzziness in your head to a captivating thing that’s out in the world in 30 days.

So maybe what you want to express involves a bit more. You’ve got this idea, maybe not fully formed, but it feels like something you really want to do. You want to actually see your idea and expression out in the world, and you want more guidance, time and space than just one session will allow.

I’ll work with you for a month and by the end, you will have completed your project and have that “I did it!” feeling. 

“The Transformative Voice” ($1200)

A three month mentorship that guides you through discovering your most powerful, confident and expressive self.  

You know there is something powerful, beautiful, and interesting inside of you and you want it called out. You’re not afraid to go deep, and look your own crud in the face – because coasting on the surface and believing your own excuses isn’t cutting it for you anymore. You want your voice in the world and want a firm but immensely loving hand to guide you and put a megaphone to what your soul already knows.

After three months together, you will find the power of your truth and the freedom of your own expression.